• Trying to come up with some intersting stories that can be used as a basis for gameplay.

Sample Story 1: The Serial Killer Colonist

A team of settlers embark on a remote region and start to forage and farm for food to survive. They establish farm plots and plant seeds, watering the soil from water taken from ponds. It turns out, however, that there is a serial killer in their midst who, unbeknownst to everyone else, slowly begins to kill off the colony. He has a signature–he always leaves some kind of fruit or grain behind in the mouths of the dead. Those taken by surprise are not able to react or really defend themselves. The colonists grow terrified, and going about their daily tasks begins to be a challenge. They continue to die out. Though there is a lot of grains and fruits to be harvested, no one but the serial killer remains to do so. He hides the bodies in a certain room and locks the door. He also puts aside trophies–body parts–for his collection. Sometimes he will look at them to remind himself of his achievements. He takes over the colony alone and, feeding on the harvested food, waits for new people to join the colony, at which point he pretends to be a law-abiding citizen and welcomes them in, biding his time until he can strike again without danger to himself…

Sample Story 2: Ghosts in the Soil

Colonists must collect seeds from the environment to start planting something, since they have nothing with them due to a recent bandit raid. They start walking around and exploring. This plain is a big place, and there’s even a source of fresh water, in the form of a pond. The ground here seems fertile. There are curious mounds in the soil that appear to be graves of some sort–perhaps, long ago, someone actually occupied these lands. What could have happened to them, that they abandoned this seemingly fertile place? As the colony gets under way, with farm plots being arranged and the rocks and debris cleared out of the way, the colonists begin to notice something strange. There are times when something white and ephemeral glimmers in the air in unexpected places, and multiple colonists report having fitful sleep and nightmares. It seems they are not alone here. They start writing down what they have seen on the walls and on parchment, as they value historical records and are interested to see what this new phenomenon may lead. The happiness level of the colonists drops considerably. They no longer see this place as the blessing they once did. Nothing sinister seems to happen as of yet, but these ghostly beings give the impression that they are watching and waiting.