It’s been a while since I posted, but I made a new bluesky account I also did another game jam, and made some progress with juice & ui. I’ll dump some gifs I’ve saved over that time just to clear up the clutter (game jam WIP images, ui screenshots, shaders, spine, etc.)

window_movable_shader_wip window_movable_shader_artifact stages_around_jam_3 spine_error spine-boy-x-flipped shadow_shader_artifact shadow_shader shader_artifact_top_left Screenshot 2024-11-18 015339 Screenshot 2024-11-18 015309 Screenshot 2024-11-18 015300 Screenshot 2024-11-18 015255 Screenshot 2024-11-18 015245 scoring-jam-final raylib-cpp-cmake-template moving_bugs moving_around_jam_2 moving_around_jam imgui_shader_window_complete flashing_shader_button entire_window_sheen_shader entire_window_rippling_shader entire_window_flashing_shader entire_window_bobbing_shader entire-round-jam